Thunderbike, Bolt-On Bagger Rake-Kit, Daytona Bolt-On Rake-Kit For up to 26″ wheels, Bolt-On Bagger Rake-Kit, Daytona Bolt-On Rake-Kit For up to 26″ wheels
OEM Replacement or Custom Front Suspension Triple Trees: 09-10, 13 FLHR, 09-13 FLHRC, 13 FLHRSE5, (except 09-10 FLHT, 09-13 FLHTC, 09-10, 12-13 FLHTCU, 09 FLHTCUSE4, 09-10, 13 FLHTP, 09-13 FLHX, 09 FLTR, 09 FLTRSE3, 10 FLHTCUSE5, 10-13 FLHTK, 10 FLHXSE, 10, 13 FLTRX, 11 FLTRUSE, 11 FLHXSE2, 11 FLHTCUSE6, 12 FLHTCUSE7, 12 FLHXSE3, 12 FLTRXSE, 13 FLHTCUSE8, 13 FLHTK ANV, 13 FLTRU, 13 FLTRXSE2, 13 FLTRXSE2 ANV)
Packet size:1
Brand: Thunderbike
Article number: 619564
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