speedo mph to km converter miles to km – 100mm or 80mm speedo Fits: > 100mm or 80mm speedo

Price: 12,00 

TC-Choppers Harley Davidson speedo mph to km converter miles to km – 100mm or 80mm speedo Fits: > 100mm or 80mm speedo

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speedo mph to km converter miles to km – 100mm or 80mm speedo Fits: > 100mm or 80mm speedo


Sticker mph to km converter, miles to km

fits: 100mm or 80mm speedo

sticker for MPH Speedo’s
converts MPH to KM
in the colors
Clear, Black or Grey
softail, Roadking Dyna

  • sp100mm: 100mm diameter, color clear, black or grey
  • sp80mm: 80mm diameter, color clear, black or grey


Additional information

Weight 2 kg



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